My apologies.....It has been a while since the last post. Things are picking up and getting busy!
It is training season once again and we have started working our way to VGP status. With the VJP tests out of the way, handlers are setting there eyes on the next test, the HZP, or looking ahead to the Armbruster. Time to get down the drags, blinds and water work, as well as get prepared for a breed show if headed the Armbruster path.
Those that are VGP training are already laying down blood tracks,drags, steadying up and rehashing some good old obedience work too. It is a great time of year as pups are being born and litters are being planned. There are going to be alot of new pups coming in next year and I am anticipating the turnout.
The Armbruster is around the corner and we are all working hard to gather donations, sponsors and help with the planning. If you want to be a part of this extraordinary event, please contact myself or one of the other board members with your information. We will need help in all areas of the event, so please, any help you can offer is of great support to the Wild West Chapter.
If you or a friend would like to donate any funds, items or hunts to the event please contact Matt Norman, he is over-seeing the prize table and auction/raffle items. Thank you for any support you can offer to providing an Armbruster to remember!
Hessian and Lola are getting ready for VGP. We have been keeping a steady pace with the drags, and blood work. As well as digging deep into the obedience areas of the test. We have been using raccoons instead of foxes on the drags because of the fact we have no foxes. Oh man are we in dire straits for some foxes. If you can lead me in the right direction or even have some that you want to sell or know someone who would, I know of a few of us who would go for it!
The blood work is coming along, Hessian had alot of practice last year with this subject so now I am making them harder, longer, less blood, older, gaps and fresh tracks along the way to follow his reaction and really make him concentrate. I have been slowing him down with special treats along the way and he is coming to a nice reasonable pace now.
Lola is doing well on her blood tracks, we are slowly aging them now that we are pushing them the full length. Although I must say the last track was on a really warm day in the desert, super dry conditions, 1/4 mile long and about 4 oz of blood and she did quite well. Not too mention the full length duck drag through a dry hard field and she nailed that too!
The next few months are going to be busy, preparing the Armbruster, training for the test, I have some boarders booked in already and Greta is coming for a stay to learn to "Fetch". It is going to get real fun around here! I will be sure to keep the blog updated with all the adventures.
Also, dont forget your Drahthaar Addiction or Wild West Chapter t shirts for summer!