Slushy Duck

Was able to get in on a duck hunt before everything froze over. This was a few weeks ago.

It was super cold and the water was just a thin layer of ice, and so we walked out to set up some decoys. Broke up the ice in the process and made ourselves a nice open water area. Made it look cozy to the passing ducks and before we knew it, they were all over!

We were able to get a couple Green heads and Mergansers and Gadwalls. All in all a cold slushee day but we were able to get into some ducks, the dog got to put in work, and we were done by noon. Great Day

I hope to get out a few more times if we can find some open water, then there's always making open water! That's always fun!!!

If not for ducks, we have till February to chase chukar, so why not, maybe my next post will be about a chukar hunt or 2.

Jager's Stay December 2009

Good ol Jager came to stay with us for about 4 days, and it makes me want another dog. It was fun having 2 dogs follow me around and to hear them playing in the yard. Like brothers, they want to wrestle and chase and go crazy in the snow. I think Hessian had fun too, even though he can be a bitter gus every once in while.
I thought just having them both around was enough to make me want another Draht, then i took them both out for some fresh air. We headed out towards Utah Lake, found an open field and let them have at it. Dog flying everywhere! It was awesome to watch them search together, separate but working to the same objective. Search, search , search. Then as we walk along I spot some Bunny tracks in the snow and without even a word both dogs are on separate tracks, nose down, tracking there hearts out. Although nothing was produced which was good as i was unarmed, it was still sweet bliss to watch them work.
Hmm, i really need to think this over....... ok... I'm ready!
Had fun Jager, see ya again in January!
Waiting for our friend the Irish Setter to visit over Christmas. Will post on that after.
Happy Holidays! Have A Great Christmas!