New Logo

FINALLY!!!!!!! A Logo!!!
Been working with ideas for a while and now it is done. Still have one being worked on but this is going to be one of the logos for clothing and maybe a new sticker!
Get ready to represent your Addiction with new clothes! Shouldn't be too long now.
I added this to the header of the website. I also have a couple posts coming just waiting on some pics. Been working on Whoa and Steadiness with Hess. Still rocking the bloodtrack. Last one was 7 hours old and he did perfect. Also FF is coming along nicely for everyone in these neck of the woods. Been meeting up with Fellow Addicts and getting some good advice. Thanks Shane, Thanks Mike,......Wheres the pics Zac?
I have a few from the phone.
First 2....Auz vom Barenwald
next is.. Eik vom Felsengebirge
next is... Doc (Helmut) Vom Wasatch
Last 2.....Elroy Von Der Salzmarsch

1 comment:

  1. Chaz
    Thats pretty cool man save me a large size shirt. and my wife a medium she said. what a cool logo man. from the postings it sounds like all is well.

    Jon R. Davis
    vom Red-Rock
