Pheasant Derby 2009

Once again it was time for the annual Pheasant Derby at Wasatch Wings and Clay. Oh what a time it was! Better than last year for sure. Alot more prizes on the table this year. Good ones too. 2 shotguns, lots of Wasatch Wing and Clay Carhartt Jackets, memberships, hunts, clay shoots, gift cards and even a puppy. Mind it was no Drahthaar but a German Shorthair to train and hunt. I tried for it, but it wasn't my name that won. Oh well.. there will be others! There was a great turnout and my father in law and myself along with my trustee Drahthaar, Hessian had a blast!
Once the rooster flew and they yelled "Go", it was off to the races as everyone ran for their vehicle and headed to a spot to hunt. We got to our area quick as I had already planned the area I wanted to hunt. Luckily no one there yet so off we went. Took about a half hour of walking and Hessian searching and then it was Game On! We had our chance at quite a few roosters.
Mark, my father in law did most the shooting......It was my objective to show him a good time and my chance to really work my dog for some one who would enjoy it. I shot 2 birds, gave one to another hunter so i could continue the hunt with Mark. Kept on hunting, alot of shooting went on, birds would get missed and we would chase them down and get em the second time. A couple birds got wounded and then Hessian's tracking skills had to come into play. No problem, point track and retrieve baby!
Ended up that day with 8 roosters and a hen. What a fabulous hunt! Hessian did exactly as he was supposed to. Pointed, stayed steady for us to arrive and flush, steady to 3 shots or more, steady to fall. Took off like at rocket at "fetch", retrieve to hand! Awesome!!!
Can't wait till next year. Had a great time, made Mark happy, had dinner for two nights and shared with my parents and sisters family all the tasty pheasant. Be sure to watch Roughin it Outdoors Channel 2 or KUTV for more Saturday Nov 7th at 11:00 pm

Went out for a little duck hunting yesterday. Headed out to Ogden Bay with Biz. Got out there, walked for about a half hour - fourty minutes and found a spot to set up. Tossed out a half a dozen decoys and began the waiting game. Got quite a few pass overs, although most of them were just to high. It got a little better toward sundown, more ducks coming in our way, alot more looks and passes and Biz even called a few our way a couple times. We were able to get some shots fired off which always feels good but bagged no ducks this day. Next time, feathered friends, next time!

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