Forest Frolicking!

Forest; (also called woods,woodland,wold,weald) An area with a high density of trees.
Frolicking; (of animal or person) Play and move about cheerfully,excitedly or energetically.
In preparing for the "Big Show" or the VGP. The third and final test in the series of three breed tests. Hessian and I have been spending some time in the forest. Some of it has been training, and some has been reacquainting ourselves with the woods. I see a change in Hessian when we work the woods. It is different than the bird fields,duck ponds,bunny hunts and deserts. There is an abundance of game,large and small. Unique scents, only specific to the forest, and surely overwhelming to a animal whose sense of smell is 1 to 10 million times stronger. This change is instant, as if not already a high drive dog, he kicks into overdrive. He stands taller,breathes deeper,eyes wide and attention to detail in everything around him. He wants to go.go,go!!! Hunt em up,blast off and search in every direction,unfocused and relentless on finding the source of so many smells.
The difficulty as a hunter and trainer is, harnessing all that energy, calming the dog, as enough so it will obey and focus on the task at hand.Yet still work with that high intensity we enjoy from this breed. So I have been working on this,spending more time in the forest, conditioning him to understand the rules. Take it easy,relax and enjoy. There is no reward for being hasty,feral, and disobedient. Yet reap the rewards when focused,calm and upon reaching the agenda,getting to work and succeed. Hessian's greatest reward is being able to work,search,track,and produce. Now he is realizing he is unable to do any of that in an uncontrolled,unfocused manner.
Training is coming along well. Spending alot of time on obedience,blood tracking,and manner of retrieve. Still need to get in some water work and steadiness reminders. Of course its always hard not to worry and stress over a certain subject or two. I am anxious to get this test done and hopefully prize, so I can move on with plans to continue my Drahthaar Addiction!!

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